Occult Group (NEW Posting Feature - BETA - In Development) 832 members

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Are there any other Satanists here?
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."

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In the houses of the Dead we speak with Death itself, using the ctalysts of our loved ones as a conduit to the here after. There is no fear in our hearts for we all know what awaits us in eternity - L.Valentine

Necroamcy has always been a misunderstood path that people walk down. For centuries people have thought that a Necromancer can reawaken the corpses of the dead and bind them to his/her will. This is not the case.
I have been a Necromancer for five years using the magnficing works of Westgate Neromantic who have supported me in all of my workings.
Necromancy is a kind of divination usig the dead to use Death Enegry to get a better understanding of death itself and even travel using your astral form through the gates in the west into the realm of Azrael.

However this topic is far too big for one post so if anyone wants any information about Necromancy please contact me.

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aelister crowley
are you familiar with his works
is so what are your veiws and or thoughts

thelema...if i have to explain you need to read aelister crowley

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the death of humanity
where do we go when all hope is lost?
back to a past to remind us of loss?
the things in this life seem to much to bare
and for just right now i could very much refuse to care
humanity is lost on a world that has forgotten to survive
it strains to hold on to an image of life
fashion without compassion
one seperate look one look for all
were becoming a world of mercy less drones
to walk and talk to all look the same
an idea of beauty lost within the ages

nikki s.

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the death of humanity
where do we go when all hope is lost?
back to a past to remind us of loss?
the things in this life seem to much to bare
and for just right now i could very much refuse to care
humanity is lost on a world that has forgotten to survive
it strains to hold on to an image of life
fashion without compassion
on seperate look one look for all
were becoming a world of mercy less drones
to walk and talk to all look the same
an idea of beauty lost within the ages

nikki s.

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Hekate (cosmic Soul)
I have become more and more fascinated with Hekate as a symbol of the soul.
I have been reading much on Chaldean Theurgy and Pythagoreanism.

I was wondering if any others had any opinions on the subject.

Must also add never saw her as a Crone even though you don't have to be old to be a crone ... just wise so in that aspect they could be correct since none o the Gods or goddess are old... being immortal and all.

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Anyone ever touch or pass through a ghost? Seen one? Heard one?

Share your real-life ghost stories here.


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A gothic Country
I have a dream, that one day all goths will unite in unholly matramony
and put their open minds together and create a country of their own.
A place with no boundaries and no jews no chritians and no rap music. :-o A place were freelanced artist can express their every emotion in any witch way.A gothom city for us the true creatures of the night. :D if you want me to continue this magiocal reality send good replies.[/b]
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c'mon people!
no one here is interested in the occult? left hand paths...anything? no one? if you are contact me..
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