My name is Mairead and I live in a small town in the north west of Ireland. It's not the most exciting place in the world but I like it, its home.
I have a five year old daughter. I enjoy traveling a lot. There's so many places I must visit some day. I think I'm gonna make it my life's mission to visit every country in the world at least once. Almost impossible I suppose but it wouldn't do any harm to try. You can come along on this adventure if you help me rob a bank to fund it. I'll split it 50/50, promise.
I have a great love for music, of pretty much all kinds. I'm always looking for new bands and artists. I do a little bit of reading too but mainly autobiographies and true crime books. The looks I get when buying books about serial killers are priceless.
Another thing I love is food but admittedly my cooking skills are not to restaurant standards, so eating out makes me happy. That said, I do make a mean Spaghetti Bolonesgeesgegegee or however its spelled.
Anything else, just ask!