I tend to sit quietly in a coffee house drinking tea or have a nice glass of single-malt at the pub. Don't get me wrong, I know how to party when the time comes, as my mates will tell you... Especially since they're the ones who've had to drag my drunken --- home!
Likes: A good book, all things sci-fi/fantasy (more or less), energy drinks, a good movie, a quiet night in, crazy parties, drinking games, video games, being so hyper that I irritate people and loads of other stuff!
Dislikes: Spiders, wasps, when the rain soaks the bottom of my jeans, agressive people and ppl who tlk lyk dis (would it kill you to use proper grammar and spelling for once in your life?).
Also, I've just decided... Sushi, relentless and a few good games is a nice evening in. Almost rivals booze, take-away and a movie (only difference being: the latter is best done with company)!
I also quite like sake!!

So, if I've not bored you to death then drop me a message, at the very least you'll have a new friend.