
I'm Tilly, I would like people from the UK only to add me on msn if that's what they wish ^_^ I'm a tomboy lady who wear her heart on her sleeve! I genuinely believe your eyes are the window to your soul and so I hope I meet someone who connects with mine. ^_^ I'm obsessed by vampires and pain and listen to mostly metal music

I love festivals and the feeling of ultimate freedom of no responsibilities.. that's what fests are for! I like simple things.. like watching the clouds go by! I'm a geek, I'm also weird so.... I'm currently working as a Customer Service Advisor, but I want to learn more and more time for the things I love. I appreciate art and structures, such as beautiful old churches. I have a keen intrest in history and would love to visit somewhere like Auchwitz one day ^_^. I write lots of poetry and wish I had more time for it! I love to express myself in words and love using words to express myself to someone else in a beautiful way! Words are they to be used! Music has been a big inspiration in my life and often it's the only thing that helps me day to day with lifes problems and dilemmas!