Love music, Old Movies and anime.
Live for everyday.
Love meeting new people.
I collect bottle caps and shot glasses. I don't drink alot.
I am always either listening to music, Reading a book or watching a movie.
Being grown up is over rated.
I have a very dark sense of humour but I wouldn't hurt a fly.
I love old clothing, Victorian and the 50's good mix

I love 'geeky' things like comic books and video games.
I watch WWE
Find it hard to be myself when I am on my own in public, I worry what people will think about me.
Used to be really into Drama and Music. (I have two L.A.M.D.A Awards, Play Piano and Guitar) But that involves standing up in front of people, So I can't do that anymore.
I got asked to compete in the Fencing nationals. But didn't go because my Fencing instructor said he would drive me there and he scared the bejesus out of me :/
I'm really self conciece, But crazy.
Change my hair colour often.
Love Pre-Raphaelite art.