I'm a 19 year old ex-student from East Yorkshire, originally from Stoke on Trent
I'm super friendly, and love a good natter with anyone and everyone. I really cannot stand to see anyone on their own without a friend, so I'm always the first one to step in and offer a listening ear. I'm also very loving and caring, always put others before myself and make sure everyone is happy before thinking about myself

Not particularly picky when it comes to my preferences in guys, all I ask is that you care more about personality than looks. After all, personality is what counts whereas looks are just a bonus.
Love love LOVE anything to do with the alternative culture. I also adore tattoos and piercings. I don't have many myself as I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to pain, though I do plan on getting more done when I can

Apologies for the lack of quality in my pics. My digital camera's bust and my laptop camera's pretty s---e. I know I don't really have the gothic look on my pics, but the pics I have up are mostly old ones. I'll get some new ones put up though