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Would you turn the ones you love?
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Would you turn the ones you love?

In a world with so many liars, so many fakes, & users.. If you were an Immortal & knew that you could change the people you loved into Immortals, would you? Knowing that they then would be able to change others?

Keep in mind they would be forver killing people to sustain their life if you can live wth that.. & the more immortals there are the more danger you would be in, the less food you'd be able to find without seeming suspicious.. Do you trust the ones you love enough to turn them? Can you trust them to keep your secret?

Or would you keep this gift to yourself watchng everything for millions of years, gaining knowledge & seeing things beyond your widest dreams, but also watching everything you hold dear to you die, leavng you alone..

Maybe you wouldn't want this gift?

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May 14, 2008
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i have no problem with vampires

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August 25, 2008
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`At first i thought i would want to change my family, but that i realized that i wouldn;t want to damn them to immortalily. it's not for everyone. It's takes a strong person to live forever and watch your loved ones die. And i wouldn't want to damn my family to havin to go through that. I could deffinatly handle it.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`i would change the one i love only so that i know that i will knot be alone without them and it will be a plus for both of us to live forever

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November 27, 2008
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`But do you realize that in doing this you couldnt trust them not to turn who they love & so on & so on until there will be no food for anyone? Or the fact that they might not want to wander around forever seeing how much the world changes & watching the world die forever bored with life for eternity!? Or what if they stopped loving you, as we are prone to dfoing after a while? youd have another vampire loving the one you loved would you turn more people after that? Ach its a whole big mess.. So no. I wouldnt.. I wouldnt want them to suffer forever or even be killed by vampire hunters.. I def would not turn any sort of boyfriend.. since they might use you just for that reason..

(the paranoid owner of this post, I lost my password created a new account)

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Embrace Me

Being human is tough enough I seriously doubt many people could hack it as one of the undead,all romanticism aside.Just imagine being treated like you had AIDS or were a er for the rest of your immortality,sound romantic to you.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`yeah i see what ur r saying so it is kinda hard to htink abnout rele what i would do idk i guess

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June 25, 2009
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`Honestly I'd leave it up to them. In a long term relationship one way or the other you would have to tell your partner what you are. On top of that it would be them that would have to live forever even if things between you don't work out. On the other hand if its someone that I had been dating for a lengthy period of time I would hope they would say yes. Call me selfish but I wouldn't want to live longer than the one I love.

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September 1, 2009
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`I would only change the ones that I love whom I know could live with being immortal and wouldn't risk any of us. For I have 3 people in my life that I would actually change and know that they wouldn't bring more people along with yeah, I would do if it meant family and friends, then no I wouldn't...cause I can't trust them...just the 3 that are close to me.

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January 23, 2010
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`Tricky first instict would be 'of course', the thought of watching those you love fall into old age and then die is a painful thought, especially if you knew you were going to be around for a hell of a lot longer...

But then on the other hand, where would it end? If you decided that say, 2 of your closest loved ones should be, then when does the guilt kick in that you didn't turn whoever else, and then your friends.....there would be no end to it. Also, what if it wasn't what they wanted.

Overall, I would say no, unless it was something they wanted as well, and it was say, a husband or wife......most people would not want to live that long-personally I think I would go insane watching the world I loved change so much over so many years, I get upset now that things are so much more expensive than when i was little! :D

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`lol at scarlet rose "it takes a strong person to live forever". Has anyone lived forever for you to be able to say that? I dont think so. Personally I wouldnt mind watching my family and friends die, nor am I afraid of my own death, but of course I would do almost anything to achieve immortality, just to have the ability to watch ages pass and people come and go, and be forgotten.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I cannot really imagine immortality having been around only such a tiny spec of time even compared to the age of the galaxy, but to be honest, Id get so f'n bored of my family and friends in a hundred years I'd rather they rest in peace and I go on.

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September 15, 2010
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`I wouldent change my family but a gf i would in a heart beat! If only this could happen lol

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September 18, 2010
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Well, that is a question to think about. If the one I love could be trusted, I would turn them to share my gift of immortality.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Naww, bit fluffy but whatever lol. I would not want to live for ever as an ¨immortal blood drinker¨ id simply be bored in a hundred years plus i dont think we have the capacity to handle that much change its like trying to teach your great grandmother to use the Ipad rofl. I want to live through this life move on. I dont see how someone would want to live forever, id take your offer if it was 300 years ;D lol.

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