Joined: February 16, 2008
Posts: 7
Posted: Post subject: please help my family are so abusive to me |
there nasty to me because of the way I dress saying I should have grown out of it by now and that everyone else of my age dresses normally it upsets me because no other goths get s--- from there family about the way they dress, my family also give me s--- because I can't think of what I want to do with my life, Im not going to get to go to New York now, I no longer have this guy that I used to talk to, my family keep telling me that Im going to be here till Im 40 because of having no boyfriend, no job, no soical life and because of the way I dress and I wish they wouldn't say that because it's what I fear too
Joined: June 3, 2008
Posts: 33
Posted: Post subject: |
`Ok, stop all this feeling sorry for yourself, NOW!!!
All this putting yourself down isn't helping, parents are suppose to give you Sh*t about what you do and how you dress. I'm 34 & a mum, and my dad still likes to tell me I look like a ---- on the rare occasion he gets to see me when I'm going out for a night, he also use to give me sh*t over Djing for 8 years even though I held down a "proper" career job at the same time. But I don't let it bother me, in fact I find it funny, he is old and just doesn't understand he has been brought up to be predudice against things that are different,and so have your parents. Don't feel sorry for yourself , feel sorry for them.
Its up to you to show them it doesn't matter what you look like. Go looking through your music I'm sure you will find loads of songs covering the same problem, when I was a kid it was toyah singing "so what if I dye my hair, I've still got a brain up there I want to be free".
If its all so bad where you are set yourself a goal of getting out, why not move to Birmingham, Manchester or Nottingham where there's loads of the beautiful freaks. Being goth doesn't stop you holding down a job be it bar work or what ever (so what if its not a job you want to do for the rest of your life think of it as a means to an end). Go earn yourself a deposit and get yourself a room, somewhere you can enjoy being you, then get yourself a bar job in a bar or club thats alternative there, you'll soon make friends and maybe even find yourself a bloke.
As for growing out of it, LOL, I have so many beautiful goth mates that are even more goth in there 40's than they were in there 20's, as now they have the money confidence etc to really go the whole hog. If being goth is being true to yourself, your never going to grown out of it but why would you want to.
be yourself, do what makes you happy and if other people don't like it its their problem NOT YOURS!!! Ok?