Sabotaged, 36

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Symptom of the Universe
I'd say I'm an honest and fun person, with a good sense of humour that ranges from dry and sarcastic to something more surreal and someone who is open minded and willing to try anything once. I love music (I have a huge and widly varied collection), going to gigs, going to the cinema, watching dvds (films/tv shows (including anime which I've just gotten into after years of rejection)). I enjoy football (though don't play it often anymore), reading (books/comic books), writing and just generally chilling out. I'm a shy at first but come out a bit more as I get to know people better, and once people know me they seem to want me to stop embarassing them in public when I lyp synch and do the motions to Barbie Girl in the middle of a shop floor, who knows why though. I am amused by and enjoy the simplest and smallest things in life; give me a cardboard box and I'll make a day of it. Similarly on the other end of the spectrum I get annoyed by the smallest of things, like for example when protesters at a Manson gig had signs which lacked a possessive apostrophe, thus rendering their signs incomprehensible. I pointed this out to them and suffice to say they didn't think it was as important as I did.

Some Stuff I like:

Bands - Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Jethro Tull, Johnny Cash, Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Iron Maiden, Motrohead, Marilyn Manson, KoRn, Slipknot, NIN, RATM, Muddy Waters, Bob Marley, RHCP, The Beatles, Yes, Satyricon, Gorgoroth.

TV Shows - Dexter, Lost, The X-files, Arrested Development, Medium, Red Dwarf, Frasier, Popular.

Cartoons - Futurama, Batman: TAS, Spiderman: TAS, X-men: TAS, Wolverine and the X-men, Spongebob, South Park, The Tick, ATHF, Frisky Dingo, Harvey Birdman, Venture Bros, Metalocalypse.

Anime - Pokemon, Death Note (perhaps one of the greatest things I've ever seen, also I'd love to find my own Misa. Or even L, you just want to hug him), Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, Paranoia Agent, Nausicaa, Howl's Moving Ca
About Me
Gender Male
Orientation Straight
Height 6'02"
Body Type overweight
Movies comedy, sci-fi, drama, action
Orientation straight
Eye Color green
Hair Color dark brown
Ethnicity Caucasian
Relationship single - never married
Have Kids no - maybe with the right person
Education Level college grad
Profession Artistic / Musical
Do you smoke? no - open to dating smokers though
I currently live with parents
Political Views liberal
Food Related Carnivore
Personality geek, loner
Religious Views Atheist
I'm looking for conversation, the yin to my yang, romance, miss right, dating, soulmate, relationship
My Sign sagittarius : nov. 22-dec. 21
Gender Male
Music Alternative Rock, Country, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Hip Hop, Industrial, Metal, Progressive Rock, Rap, Rock
Hair Style short hair
Looking for
Hobbies & Interests movies, manga, internet, cosplay, computers, comic books, writing, video games, television, sports, shopping, reading, music
Relationship single, single - never married
Have Kids no - definitely want them though, no - do not want kids, no - maybe with the right person
Gender Female

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