Straight to the basics - I'm 18, live in West London, come from a fairly fortunate background and am hoping to spend the next few years when I'm finally done with schooling at art college, preferably one in central London.
Beyond that I'm quite unsure as to what I can say about myself - without either coming across as dull and/or arrogant.
Well, whilst trying to remain humble, I would say that I'm polite - as simple as that sounds it's so hard to come across true politeness it seems. Then again I do often find that I can be a tad too polite - often allowing people to get away with more than I should. Still, mercy and compassion are hardly crimes so don't pull the trigger on me quite yet!
Despite how I appear to be having s----l relations with the skull in my picture I must contradict the given evidence and say that I'm actually a very moral character. I believe that those who are patient and good are often rewarded well in the end. If not then hey, at least I know I've been a good person and done the right thing.
I have a deep side, as do many of us, though equally I have a very fun, simple side which results in me often throwing out obscene, tasteless jokes. What is important though is that I'm not someone with a hidden agenda, and I'm most definitely not someone who will simply talk to you 'to get in yo pantz'. That relates to my moral side to, if I can dare backtrack to the last paragraph.
Um, yes, anyway, despite how this is perhaps the worst 'about me' section I have ever written - enjoy!
Talk to me, I daresssssss ya!
