i'm very passionate about videogames and music.
my favorite bands include the cure, ghost dance, voodoo church, corpus delicti, siouxie & the banshees, tragic black, witching hour, S-- gang children, southern/death/cult, switchblade symphony etc.
i love singing. when nobody can hear me that is...hehehe. but seriously i would like to sing love songs to my significant other.

other than deathrock and post punk i also like hard rock, grunge, classic punk rock and some heavy metal bands but i'm not too into metal. and i can't stand modern music at all, especially mumble rap cr*p and i'm not a fan of pop either.
i play all kinds of videogames but mostly shooters and rpgs, don't play online a lot since i prefer story games instead.
when it comes to cooking i'm pretty good at trying out new receipes and expanding my skill. i love fast food like pizzas or burgers (which i make at home btw) but i try to eat a healthy combo of meat, vegtables and fruit and avoid greesy foods other than a coulple times a week.
i'm agnostic since the existance of higher power can be neither proven nor disproven but i'm more on the side of there being some type of inteligent creator, i just think whoever it is they don't care how much we suffer in here. maybe we are their version of a sims game. you never know smh.
don't know what else to write so feel free to ask.