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Fairy Tales or More?
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Fairy Tales or More?

Are Vampires undead fabled creatures of the night that use blood to survive? Or are they living human beings with special abilities such as being able to read other peoples emotions and energies while also acting upon them and bending these emotions to make them emotional puppets to the "vampire". And do these living human vampires not use blood for survival but as a s----l tool? A s----l drug?
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Posted:     Post subject:

To me Vampires seem so real. I always used to think that they were bad until i started reading about them. Then I always wanted to become one, but who knows maybe!
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Posted:     Post subject: Actually, vampires are scientific proven fact that they do..

Science reacently over the years have come to find out that existence of the "real" vampire does exist. Although, they think not many do that are real, the species does exist and that somewhere through the chain of evolution humans evolved from them. Although, that's still contraversal! lol
I've done a lot of research about 8 almost 9yrs on this subject matter and am proud to say I am a real one.
Of course we're nothing like that movies and we're not monsters like most would think.
Hell, some of us are your store clerk, banker,pastors, even family!
If anyone is interested in knowing the so called "truth" and you like science and can understand it; they ask me I got a group on yahell running about it or just can chat via im style about it.
It's very interesting how similar and different at the same tyme humans and vampires (ahkahkaru's) are.

Amor Fati,
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Posted:     Post subject:

I have always believed that vampires existed, and I have done years of research on it myself. I just find the whole mythical mystique of them so interesting.
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February 22, 2006
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Yes there are Vampires. I know because I am one. I am a Psycic Vampire. For more info you can go to or
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Posted:     Post subject:

Vampires are very much real. I believe you don't have to be a vicious, blood sucking monster as portrayed in hollywood to be a vampire though. I assume that technically I would be considered a vampire due to my love of drinking blood and the fact that I am nocturnal.
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February 22, 2006
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disturbedchick wrote: Vampires are very much real. I believe you don't have to be a vicious, blood sucking monster as portrayed in hollywood to be a vampire though. I assume that technically I would be considered a vampire due to my love of drinking blood and the fact that I am nocturnal.
sorry but that doesn't neccecarily mean you are a vamp. you see, everyone vamp or not has an aura of energy. it's the spiritual energy that keeps everyone living. normal people's aura is like a normal glass, they use energy and refill it over time. however, with vamps, it's like the glass is half full and has a crack at the bottom. energy leaks out over time. I myself feed once a week. vampirism isn't just drinking blood or transferring psycic energy, it's the need to do so. If I were to go without feeding for a month, I would become very sick. I know this because It has happened before. We are vamps because we need the energy, not because we take it.
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February 22, 2006
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another thing. vamps are born, not made. you don't bite someone and turn them into a vampire. if you really want to know if you are one, has some terrific info. and to correspond with other vamps during your awakening, go to [url][/url]
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Posted:     Post subject:

vampires....... it seems so like a fairy tale, but the do exist. we may not see, touch or even hear them but they are there and every where.
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Posted:     Post subject:

darkbutkind228 wrote: another thing. vamps are born, not made. you don't bite someone and turn them into a vampire. if you really want to know if you are one, has some terrific info. and to correspond with other vamps during your awakening, go to [url][/url]
I agree comepleatly with you it realy erks me when some kid comes up to me saying that he is a vampire because his gf bit him or some lame --- story like that. when i can clearly see that the kid is not. as for my self i lead a secret life and only those who i trust are let close.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: REAL VAMPS?

I hope vampires do exist. They would have eternal lives, and therefore be cappable of eternal love. Thats the only thing that should be eternal and dosn't play out to be
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I hope vampires are real...otherwise a friend of mine has some explaining to do. I have scars!
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Posted:     Post subject: Their real.

Even when I was around eight I believed in vampyres, and I even thought I was one. Not sure how I got that idea into my head, but yes I do believe in them. Not as vicious, ugly, monsters like hollywood portrays them.
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February 22, 2006
Posts: 4

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: REAL VAMPS?
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bigredgreeneyes wrote: I hope vampires do exist. They would have eternal lives, and therefore be cappable of eternal love. Thats the only thing that should be eternal and dosn't play out to be sorry again, vampires are not imortall as in the movies. basicly, just forget everything you learned in the movies and start fresh. go to one of the many vampire sites out there. my favorite is
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: vampires

i think just becouse a vampire is portrayd as evil and cant alwase be seen dusent make them fake bad or ugly.
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