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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Hmmm...

I do wonder as to the intended purpose of such a place... shall we go ahead and open the floor for discussion in an attempt to ascertain the function of this particular section of the forums?
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I do believe it could possibly be a place for dark souls to gather.. But Its so empty I'm begining to wonder if there are any dark sould here!

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Everybody wants to say they have a dark soul. The cool goth thingy. The misunderstood lover. The lonely poet. Having a dark soul sucks. Your never understood fully by lovers. They like the excitement at first then run screaming for the door when it gets too rough. Then all they want is more light. Try to tell you your a blackhole. I tried to tell you that in the beginning. Hippies pretending to be dark. Sick of it. I am dark. I don't need to change or need your help to fix it. You need help. Your confused. Your the one pretending to be something your not. My bad. Just got out of bad 4 year "relationship". I Love You is a lie. Happiness is a state of perception.

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July 22, 2007
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Well said turbovulva! I have experienced much of the same myself.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I guess for me happiness is a goal with endless pursuit. True, happiness is matter of perception..but then again..if it it always beside if i just look harder?. I guess non-stop s----rain has no end in blackened focus of my eye. Few months ago i too had 5 years relationship thrown a wet glove against sore face. But in a way it was good thing...i felt like becoming too numb to feel or cope with the issues that were boiling under my skin. Still i wonder...if i´d see things bit brighter..would things gone bit brighter?. Since last year was like living hell for both, and all things drove me more deeper into myself and as a result it became like a continuing batllefield with occasional truce. Two people together as lonely as one alone. But if love is so deceptive and fragile, why do i sign in Goth passions site to seek a Ying to my Yang, soulmate or whatever i wish to call it?. I sign in to look for someone to make me feel alive don´t lie...only people saying it when they don´t. My dark soul don´t hate the love, it just loves to hate lies. But, matter of opinion in the end.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: HAH

You think that darkness is all about misery and sorrow...dwelling in your own self-pity????
Its not a matter of choice to be dark.... one cannot try to be dark soul by simply cutting oneself and believing that if one writes a poem of suicide...or if someone leaves you...those things wont make you any darker than the rest of the pitiful herd...

It is a path layed down before cannot alter it.
trying to change your way only makes things much worse.... every good deed you might do shall bring load of s--- down upon you....

only the deeds that cannot be conceived by those mindless sheeps around us are the things meant for physical pain nor mental disease are signs of darkness...its only life

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

"You think that darkness is all about misery and sorrow...dwelling in your own self-pity????"

Quite the opposite. Self pity is weak. Dark is strong. Misery and sorrow are temporary for most. Light is blind.

"Its not a matter of choice to be dark.... one cannot try to be dark soul by simply cutting oneself and believing that if one writes a poem of suicide...or if someone leaves you...those things wont make you any darker than the rest of the pitiful herd... "

Its not a matter of choice to be cannot try to be light soul by
simply enjoying oneself and believing that if one writes a poem of
living...or if someone loves you...those things wont make you any
lighter than the rest of the beautiful people...

"It is a path layed down before cannot alter it.
trying to change your way only makes things much worse.... every good deed you might do shall bring load of sh*t down upon you.... "

Trying to alter it will bring misery and sorrow. Trying to swallow it day after day. Good deeds are taken advantage of by beautiful people.

"only the deeds that cannot be conceived by those mindless sheeps around us are the things meant for physical pain nor mental disease are signs of darkness...its only life"

I agree. I'll find the path meant for me. Not going to stop fighting the mundane. So what's a soul anyways?

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

"Quite the opposite. Self pity is weak. Dark is strong. Misery and sorrow are temporary for most. Light is blind. "

As it is said, my question was for merely wakening call to make you think

"Its not a matter of choice to be cannot try to be light soul by
simply enjoying oneself and believing that if one writes a poem of
living...or if someone loves you...those things wont make you any
lighter than the rest of the beautiful people... "

And yet they all try to mold us into images of their own fantasies, denying us the chance to follow the path which is chosen by events and desires of inviduals...
either light or dark, they try deny it for light burns their eyes and shadows make ´em tremble in space for the ones who shine or cast a shadow over the cattle

"Trying to alter it will bring misery and sorrow. Trying to swallow it day after day. Good deeds are taken advantage of by beautiful people. "

Observe, learn, be....learn the behavior, learn what kind they are and blend need to evade them anymore....masquarade is the best way to stalk them...devour them from inside

"So what's a soul anyways?"

Something that was chained into this world by allowing someone to sacrifice his own child in crucifix...everyone needs to find their own way to cut down the shackles which traps us in this rotten carcass

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November 22, 2007
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Happiness is a state of mind, as well is anger and depression. We do not need to be this way. I am a dark soul, or so concider myself to be one, simple because i do not accept goodness into myself, i wallow, i enjoy, and enbrace my misery, i dont not NEED to be this way, i DONT have to be this way, a mindset is easily changed. But, i find some solace in my hatred, in my misery and pain. My life has sucked, but i dont blame my life for my pain. I cause myself pain. It is so. I could easily get over my...horried past...But i dont. I dont allow myself to. My life is far more interesting to me, when i suffer, to some extent, when i loath, and writhe.

Trust No One.
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April 23, 2008
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`hmm...all of your comments so long and drawn out....i do not deny that anyone who thinks they have a dark soul is wrong but i do know i have one black soul...if you wish to ask then i will tell the things ive done but i will not deny them, joysoldier if you think that darkness comes from pain and sorrow then go on and believe that. No one can tell you what you can believe. As the rest of you who are going to get mad at this comment i say to you, you will get over it there are worse things in life than this.

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May 10, 2008
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.Black can be anyway you want it to be. I enjoy black in many ways - but the rule for all those ways is altruistic. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone.........
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Dark is warm like the womb,dark is safe-a mask to hide behind.Dark is comforting and bottomless like a good cup of expresso. A dark soul is not a bad thing at all! It feels like a nightime thunderstorm in the south, full of magic and possiblities. No room for woe is me. In times of darkest dispare it is your friend....

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I do not consider myself to have 'a dark soul' in the way we tend to think of it; but I do have a mild fascination with the darker side of human experience and I don't really know why. I think people's personalities are different; in other words some people naturally gravitate toward a gothic lifestyle but that doesn't mean they're bad people. People with very dark souls behave as if they don't have one - that is to say, they are the criminals in society, they have no regards for rules or other people's boundaries. But a lot of people are just interested in things that are dark in nature, probably because there's a lot more mystery to darkness than there is to light.

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June 19, 2008
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`I wouldn't say you would have to have a dark soul to be a criminal. In that kind of sense of a dark soul they would have low self-esteem or are depressed. I know kids shoplift and things can have a low self-esteem, but in time with success of stealing things from stores, if they don't feel sorry for it, they feel a sense of accomplishment and makes them feel big and bad, like most criminals. Doing something wrong makes them feel in control and makes them have a rush.

I would say a criminal action that would have to contains a person with a dark soul would be a guy/gal killing innocent people after watching them and seeing what they do wrong or what it is about their life that isn't perfect. Due to a bullied, confused, or mislead life. Doing this at his own justice. Something you would see in a movie.

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