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false goths

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: false goths

i am sick and tired about people who simply put on black clothes and the think themselfs a goth/geek/different. one has to be born a goth, you are either different or a clone,i have not met many goths, the ones i have all seem to be artist of some kind or the other,all free thinkers,all anti social. if your into football,clubbing, and have no weird interests or hobbies,if you dont see everything with an artists eye then forget it. DONT try and be what you cant be, i could wear a suit and tie and i would still be more of a goth then someone dressed as count f*cking dracula. if one is a true goth then it is from within, not how you are dressed. find who you realy are,then accept it...thankyou...skillin danski.

skillin danski
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

. This happens when people confuse goth clothing with goth culture. You've got a very good point, but I don't agree that a person is necessarily born into any culture, or with any tastes. Some can develop a taste for it later, but the first step would be realizing that they might like it.
Those with a taste for the darker things in life are the only ones who can be real Goths, however. Once again, personality type. Culture. Tastes. Not clothes.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: false goths

[quote="lordvin9"]. well spoken lordvin9, when i say you have to be born that way i mean subconsiously/ one may not bloom to there real selfs for many years. thankyou for your reply. . .skillin danski.

s danski

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September 28, 2006
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Wow. I remember that being a goth (Death-punk) was about being a "photo" negative on society. Look like death on the outside and be the best human being on the inside because society was "pretty" on the outside but rotten and dying on the inside. Fashion has ALWAYS been an intregal part of the culture. But being into dark things or being an artist is not what being a death punk was all about. No are we anti social.

Being "goth" was all about a statement about society. The look was part of that statement but so was the concept of being the best human being you could. But the culture has changed and changed not for the better. When I joined the culture I was mentored by older goths who explained things to me and showed the look gave me make-up tips, intoduced me to bands this was before the internet bands spread by word of mouth. Told me what statement they were trying to make. No were ever in this did anyone beleive they were born into things. There was no idea that you just were a goth, becoming a goth was a choice and something that was taught and shared.

To many "goths" today are so caught up with what makes them goths, or rather more goth than those "other" posers. Perhaps we should be more concern with our own selves than the failings we see in other people.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`well i say i am who i am. im not out to impress, of offend enyone. im not out to make a statment or shock people. i dress the way i do becaus i want to, becaus im comfterable with it, and becaus it makes me feel sexy^^. i fide myself atracted to prety goth men to. hehe

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`well i say i am who i am. im not out to impress, of offend enyone. im not out to make a statment or shock people. i dress the way i do becaus i want to, becaus im comfterable with it, and becaus it makes me feel sexy^^. i fide myself atracted to prety goth men to. hehe

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I can't imagine people dressing Goth, and running the risk of all the discrimination and hassle we get if they didn't have at least some affinity with the dark side. People are multi-faceted, why shouldn't a goth be into football or clubbing? Aren't we supposed to eschew such stereotyping?

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`whitby has a goth football(soccer) team Real Gothic with a sisters mascot isnt it hypocritical to judge some peoples other interests what about dance i agree goth is more then just throwing on black clothes but goth has no rules set in stone and people may be trying to get in to the scene just be careful because some nongoths dress like goths when going out with goths my friend drakes gf likes some goth music but is a cheerleader and dresses in 1950s sundresses yet she goes all out when they go out in goth oriented places out of respect she though looks like a well put together pixie goth Malibu barbie

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January 22, 2008
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`In a sence I could really care less about who is more whatever than myself it's not a compition . In my opinion it just seems petty and miniscule. I would have to agree with almost everyone in the earlier posts. Yes fashion was a big part of our culture and one of the points for that was non conformist I dress this way because I like it and will not fall into the trap of populis idea of what is acceptiable and what is not and tell the world "---- you for judging me for what you fear and can't understand for I walk in the shadows under the veil of dark a dignafied man You say I'm crazy and way off key when you are the ones who look and act like clowns when you judge, gawk and laugh at me" This is just a little something I say to the mundayne when my attire is deemed unacceptiable.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I'd love to hear more from airgedok.

I am not a Goth and to be honest have never actually heard the "rules" for the movement.

I met a guy years ago who explained to me the EMO scene before it got popular and corrupted I think the same has happened to goth.

I personally am sick of seeing the people parading around in £600 coats frilly shirts and canes that I would have to sell my organs for just to show off to a group of friends.

I'd like to know about the real scene from the beginning.

Any offers?

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November 19, 2012
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`i agree with missneuromantic. i dont believe simply putting on black clothes makes you goth but i also dont believe in being a slave to a culture. to say someone is less of a goth just because they like football or have any interests like that is rather hipocritical if you ask me. there is nothing wrong with variety.

i,for one dont feel like dressing goth everyday and i have not heared of or like every "goth" band out there.

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November 17, 2009
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`ive always been different to others around me since i can remember. always preferred my own company..i have to say tho i listen to a variety of music, it just depends on how i'm feeling that day i suppose. not always dressed gothic as i feel i dont need to.. im happy with the way i am even tho i get judged by those who dont understand.

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April 6, 2015
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I don't even dress gothic most of the time. I use to. But over time I just sort of said **** it. I don't need the extra attention. Now people won't really understand how different I am till they get to know me. Sometimes it better that way.

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."
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